
What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin can refer to the Bitcoin software protocol as well as to the monetary unit, which goes by the ticker symbol BTC. Launched anonymously in January 2009 to a niche group of technologists, Bitcoin is now a globally traded financial asset with daily settled volume measured in the tens of billions of dollars.

What is advanced bitcoin (ABTC)?

Advanced Bitcoin (aBTC) is a green cryptocurrency launched in April 2022 as an alternative to Bitcoin 's well-known performance problems pertaining to high energy consumption, slow transaction speeds, high gas fees, and so on.

What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?

The alternative version of Bitcoin with the greatest number of adherents has come to be known as Bitcoin Cash (BCH). It arose out of a proposal aiming to solve scaling problems that had resulted in rising transaction costs and increasing transaction confirmation times. This version of Bitcoin began on August 1st, 2017.

What is bitcoin used for?

What is Bitcoin used for? At its most basic level, Bitcoin is useful for transacting value outside of the traditional financial system. People use Bitcoin to, for example, make international payments that are settled faster, more securely, and at lower transactional fees than through legacy settlement methods such as the SWIFT or ACH networks.

